While he's pushing gun control at the local level, the mayor is encouraging Congress to pass legislation, a couple days before the President is expected to announce a plan... and Emanuel's strategy looks a lot like the one he engineered in 1994. Read more
Between her fundraising prowess and her connections to power via Toni Preckwinkle and her friend-of-the-Obamas campaign manager, Matteson's Robin Kelly—most recently Preckwinkle's chief administrative officer—has the inside track in the 2nd District. Being on top of the ballot won't hurt in the packed race. Read more
It's a massive amount of money compared to other cities, but sadly typical when it comes to Chicago's recent history of legal settlements, which are far out of proportion to major American cities. And it's not just the CPD. Read more
The young Highland Park native was an Internet prodigy, beginning with his work on developing RSS when he was only 14 years old. Driven by an idealistic commitment to open data, Swartz connected an extraordinary number of people together, both on and offline, and changing how we look at the Web from a technological and moral perspective. Read more
Location, location, location: if our guide to the city's best bars is any indication, one thing many of them share, whether dive or cocktail lounge or neighborhood haunt, is a location on or near one of the city's diagonal corridors. Read more