Spruce Design stages homes for sale, and in doing so, has found itself with a large inventory of furniture... Read more
New green homes are proliferating in the Chicago area, and three of the greenest are finishing up now in Bucktown and Waukegan. The Bucktown house, at 1610 North Honore Street, is an innovative conversion of an old two-flat into a single-family home, complete with a solar array over the garage and many reused materials... Read more
When Mark Kirk gave his victory speech on November 2nd, he thanked a trio of aides for helping him to a close win over Democrat Alexi Giannoulias. Among them was Steve Schmidt, a former chief strategist to the 2008 John McCain campaign for president. Schmidt, who confirmed via email his work for the Kirk campaign, works out of Sacramento, California, and was rarely on the ground in Illinois for the Senate race. But a source close to the campaign said the 40-year-old... Read more
First things first. Michelin handed out its stars this morning – 24 hours early - following a supposed leak of the list on Yelp. As it turns out, the leak was on the mark.

3 stars: Alinea, L2O
2 stars: Avenues, Charlie Trotter's, Ria
1 star: Blackbird, Boka, Bonsoirée, Crofton on Wells, Everest... Read more
In its heyday, Old Town’s late, great O’Rourke’s pub was a raucous, bruising Big Shoulders version of a literary salon. Regulars included Nelson Algren, Roger Ebert, Studs Terkel, Mike Royko, and Tom Fitzpatrick... Read more