"After a recent dinner at Trenchermen in Wicker Park, I couldn’t stop thinking about how beautiful the design was. So I tracked down the designer, Kevin Heisner (also the creative force behind Nightwood, Bar DeVille, and Bangers & Lace), and asked him how I could get a similar look at home." Read more
"After a recent dinner at Trencherman in Wicker Park, I couldn’t stop thinking about how beautiful the design was. So I tracked down the designer, Kevin Heisner (also the creative force behind Nightwood, Bar DeVille, and Bangers & Lace), and asked him how I could get a similar look at home." Read more
The Grid, a sleek, below-grade lounge, hit the scene last month, shortly after Baume & Brix opened upstairs. We were curious to see if it has what it takes... Read more