By Whet Moser
A study looks at Seattle's bus-tracker system, and finds nothing but love. The biggest benefit? Eliminating the mystery of the next bus's arrival. Read more
October 1 & 2, 2011--The 2nd edition of the Design Harvest Festival proved to be a mecca for design fashionistas, with droves of enthusiasts turning out to celebrate the consortium of local design vendors. Under picturesque autumn skies, furniture & accessory makers, vintage stores, antique dealers and local home design retailers popped-up shop with their latest creations as visitors perused the displays, finding new ways to beautify their homes.
Chicago Home + Garden was a media sponsor of the festival and returned with their Designer Meet Up Lounge offering complimentary consultations for attendees with Chicago's best interior designers. Room & Board provided gorgeous pieces of furniture for the lounge and consultations. Beautiful terrariums were graciously donated by Sprout Home, in honor of their new how-to terrarium classes.
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