Pale ale is the style of beer most open to interpretation—and thus the ideal test of a brewer’s talent. Here 18 recommended locals—9 American, 9 India pale ales—faced off. Three winners emerged. Read more
Pale ale is the style of beer most open to interpretation—and thus the ideal test of a brewer’s talent. Here 18 recommended locals—9 American, 9 India pale ales—faced off. Three winners emerged. Read more
A class of beer all their own, lagers are fermented with different yeasts and at a colder temperature than ales. Read more
Sometimes overlooked as a middle- of-the-road style, this refreshing, mostly sweet ale can be a great thirst quencher. Read more
From the hefeweizen to the American wheat pale ale, this style offers a ton of variety. Creamy or juicy, bitter or sweet, savory or fruity—the options are endless. Read more
The winter drinker, distinguished by a blanket of dark malts. Often only seasonally available. Read more
If regular IPA isn't hoppy enough, try one of these super-strong high ABV beers. Some are massively bitter; others are surprisingly sweet. Read more