For some state lawmakers, supporting prisoners' requests for transfers can be a routine constituent service—or a valuable trump card. PLUS: Prime movers—ten Illinois legislators who logged the most recorded inquiries on behalf of prisoners—and the gang members they've helped Read more
Your agenda for the days ahead: One man, decades of battle at Court Theatre . . . a jazz up-and-comer with a famous last name returns to Chicago . . . what to hear in place of Tune-Yards’ sold-out shows . . . plus, playwright Seth Bockley’s weekend plans and free stuff Read more
What to do this week: The days are getting shorter, but the stuff to do just keeps getting better. Highlights include Old Town School of Folk Music’s theatrical debut, Laurie Anderson at the Chicago Humanities Festival, and Lucinda Williams in the burbs … plus, weekend plans from the MCA’s Naomi Beckwith and where to see Jolie Holland for free Read more