Dmitry Samarov introduces us to photographer Noah Vaughn, whom the writer met 20 years ago at the School of the Art Institute. Vaughn, writes Samarov, "documents the crumbling, abandoned parts of the city without making a fetish of them. And that is no small feat." Read more
The S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price Index reported that home values in the Chicago region are down about 31 percent from their September 2006 peak. But what’s happened in your particular neighborhood or suburb?... Read more
I stopped by the grand opening of A’ville’s newest grocery and retail destination, Urban Orchard (at 5212 North Clark Street, the old Urbanest space) last weekend, and it was a bustling scene... Read more
Yusho Crazy
After leavingCharlie Trotter’s last October to strike out on his own, Matthias Merges lays the first brick in his own business this November with a yakitori-inspired restaurant in Logan Square called Yusho... Read more
What to do this week: The Pulitzer-winning Clybourne Park opens at Steppenwolf … two exhibits spotlight Bertrand Goldberg … a carnival of a music fest lands in West Town … Ald. Scott Waguespack goes for a bike ride (or three) Read more
Hi, Honey
Christine Cikowski and Josh Kulp, who run the underground dining club Sunday Dinner, discovered how glorious fried chicken tastes with honey butter when their staff tried it while eating their meals in the kitchen at a dinner a couple of years ago... Read more
I can't get away from dudes lining up to look like Don Draper, the man women want and men want to be, despite the fact that he's a self-loathing jerk. Or maybe I'm just jealous that I'm not being target-marketed to. Read more