Over the course of 20 raucous years, J. J. Jameson became a fixture on the city's lively poetry circuit—a loud, drunken declaimer out of central casting. So his many friends were more than a little shocked when Massachusetts police came to town this spring and arrested him. He had been active in his church, loyal to a fault, unusually talented—and his writing revealed such intimate details of his life that people on the scene thought they knew him. But they didn't know he had been doing time for murder, and had escaped. They didn't even know his real name. Read more
Dish brings you the latest news on the Chicagoland dining scene. Check out the regular updates from Penny Pollack and Jeff Ruby, Chicago's dining editors, and be the best informed of all your foodie friends! Read more
Lincoln Square Francophiles get lucky—twice. A fine pair of affordable bistros are neighbors in address and style. Read more