HIDE AND GO SEEK Catch Strange Tree Group’s The Spirit Play, on stage now at
DCA Storefront Theater.
Don’t-miss picks for Wed 10.26.11 through Tue 11.01.11:
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theatre The Spirit Play ALSO THIS WEEK: A haunted house for big ghouls and boys: In First Folio Theatre’s interactive Searching for Peabody’s Tomb, theatregoers prowl the historic Mayslake Peabody Estate on the hunt for the spirit of the real-life coal magnate F. S. Peabody, now through 10/31. |
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concerts Alien Queen |
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theatre Musical of the Living Dead |
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tours Pullman DÍa de los Muertos Altar Walk ALSO THIS WEEK: Raise an ale-oween toast to Chicago’s bike community when The Chainlink hosts a Halloween party 10/28 at Galway Arms that doubles as a stop on the monthly Critical Mass ride. Five bucks gets you admission, one Half Acre beer, and two raffle tickets. |
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film Universal Horror @ Music Box ALSO THIS WEEK: Wicker Park hosts its own three-day fright fest with indoor screenings of The Mummy, The Mummy Returns, and Abbott & Costello Meet the Mummy, 10/28–30. Meanwhile, Linda Blair signs autographs prior to showings of her tour de force in what is still the scariest movie ever, The Exorcist, 10/28–31 at the Hollywood Palms Cinema locations in Naperville and Woodbridge. |

Ursula Bielski
Up next in our series of weekend plans from notable, in-the-know locals—a.k.a. people we like: the paranormal historian, author, and founder of the ghost-tour outfit Chicago Hauntings, Ursula Bielski, who gives a free talk—with magic!—on Victorian-era mentalism in Chicago tonight at 7 at DCA Storefront Theater. You can also hear Bielski tell ghost stories in the Museum of Science and Industry’s rotunda 10/29 at 1.
FRIDAY: “Friday is one of my only days off this month, and I’m very excited to go over to the Portage Theater. They have a program called Halloween Havoc, and they show movies every night of the last week of October every year. Friday, they have a costume contest and they have vendors set up in the lobby selling films and collectibles and memorabilia—all kinds of stuff. They’re showing my favorite movie, the original version of The Haunting from 1963, which is based on Shirley Jackson’s novel The Haunting of Hill House.”
SATURDAY: “We’ve just filmed a pilot, The Hauntings of Chicago, so we’re hoping it will become a weekly series. It’s going to air on Saturday at 6 p.m. on WYCC Channel 20, and it will be rebroadcast on Halloween night at 9 p.m. We’re having a big premiere party at Chet’s Melody Lounge [in the southwest suburb of Justice], which is right across from Resurrection Cemetery, famously associated with the ghost Resurrection Mary. The story about her is that she was picked up one winter’s night by a cabdriver, and she directed him to turn into the parking lot there at the bar. She told him she needed to go inside and get cab fare, but she never came out. After a while, he came in to get his money, and the bartender told him that no one had come in all night.”
SUNDAY: “My friend Willy Adkins, who’s a filmmaker, has a production company called Spook Show Entertainment. They host the Chicago Horror Film Festival at the Portage every year. They’re opening their new office and studio in DeKalb on Sunday, and they’re having an open house for talent: anybody interested in acting, promotional stuff, or horror films. So, we’re going out there, and then we’ll head back to have a Halloween party with a house full of nine-year-olds.” —As told to Jennifer Swann
galleries Blaque Lyte
No Halloween costume necessary; just wear something white when the Hyde Park Art Center throws a party for this new exhibit, a group show of artwork that glows under the infrareds. The reception is only one event in the center’s daylong (if somewhat misnamed) Mischief Night, featuring a roster of hands-on, family-friendly performances and activities, including a zombification station and a DIY art project involving stage blood.
GO: Blaque Lyte reception: 10/29 from 5 to 8. Mischief Night: 10/29 from 1 to 10. Hyde Park Art Center, 5020 S Cornell. hydeparkart.org
museums Crime Unseen
Can places where ugly things transpire be beautiful? Discuss when the Museum of Contemporary Photography hosts a talk and party for its new exhibit blurring the lines between journalism, forensics, and fine-art photography. The shots of the Unabomber’s cabin and of gruesome 1940s dollhouses used to train police detectives—chairs overturned, blood spatters on the wall—give us goose bumps.
GO: Talk with artists Christian Patterson and Angela Strassheim and curator Karen Irvine: 10/27 from 4 to 5; reception from 5 to 7. Crime Unseen continues through 1/15. Museum of Contemporary Photography, 600 S Michigan. mocp.org
Photography: (THE SPIRIT PLAY) Tyler Core; (BIELSKI) Billy Cam