Sponsored Content Partner Statement

The Chicago Magazine routinely partners with professional sponsored content agencies to create, review and publish content within a specifically designated, commercial advertising section called “Sponsored Content”.

Through that partnership, our sponsored content advertisers provide readers with a comprehensive suite of informative resources and promotions, empowering them to navigate an evolving commercial landscape with up-to-date information on a variety of products and services.

This collaboration between Chicago Magazine and our sponsored content advertising partners establishes a valuable resource for Chicago Magazine readers with an interest in many different subjects. It fosters a platform for informed decision-making by providing access to expert analysis, curated educational resources, and objective reviews.

The Role of Chicago Magazine in reviewing and publishing sponsored content on our site.

In the alliance between Chicago Magazine and our sponsored content advertising partners, the goal is to ensure that the distributed content adheres to the high bar set by the platform:

  • Our sponsored content advertising partners rigorously engage in research when crafting content.
    Prior to presenting it to Chicago Magazine, all content is meticulously edited and validated by our sponsored content advertising partners.
  • Once the content is provided to Chicago Magazine our advertising team reviews the content language, images, and any links to ensure that it is clear to our readers that the piece is in fact commercial in nature.
  • After the content has been reviewed, our advertising team releases it for publication on Chicago Magazines’ website under the clearly defined “Sponsored Content” advertising section.
  • Further, all articles carry a specific disclaimer explaining the commercial nature of the content and that the editorial team of Chicago Magazine had nothing to do with its creation or publication, as is the case with all other types of advertising.