What Do Illinois Citizens Want to Do to Fix the State Budget? By Whet Moser We do agree on a few things—unfortunately, they range from extremely unlikely to totally useless. Read more
Illinois Has a Stopgap Budget—But Can It Get a Balanced Budget? By Whet Moser There are three options: more borrowing, big cuts, or broad tax increases. And they all get less appealing as the clock ticks. Read more
As Budget Impasse Plods On, 36 Percent of Service Agencies Say They Could Have to Close Their Doors By Bettina Chang More than half of humanitarian groups surveyed say they'll have to cease some services within six months. Read more
Poll: Older Voters More Likely to Approve of Rauner (and Less Likely to Be Affected by the Budget Crisis) By Whet Moser Downstate voters are more likely to approve of his performance, and of how things are going where they live—but they're also much less likely to like it there. Read more
Tom Dart Once Again Ponders a Run for Mayor By Carol Felsenthal Tom Dart once again ponders a run for mayor. Read more
Hillary Clinton Got $280,000 for One Speech to Bruce Rauner's Former Firm By Carol Felsenthal What did she say? She's not saying, and it may have hurt her in New Hampshire. Read more
The Incredible Shrinking Illinois By Whet Moser Counties with colleges are growing, but the rest of the state is losing population—and it could prove costly. Read more
Rauner Plays Down a Tax Hike, but Can the Pension Mess Be Fixed Without One? By Whet Moser Illinois is laboring to pay its bills without the revenue from 2011’s income tax increase. Read more
Is an Illinois Pension Agreement in the Works? We'll Have to Wait for the Courts By Whet Moser Even if Rauner gets on board., Cullerton’s latest legal gambit would still have to pass judicial muster. Read more
Bruce Rauner Has Pushed a CPS Bankruptcy For a Long Time It's unlikely–and might be a big fight for little gain. Read more