Tabula Tua this coming Thursday, October 21, from 6–9 p.m." /> Tabula Tua this coming Thursday, October 21, from 6–9 p.m." /> Tabula Tua this coming Thursday, October 21, from 6–9 p.m." />
With the current butch buzz of mancaves and bromances (No one really makes a fuss of metrosexuals anymore, do they? Those poor, well-manicured and well-mannered gentlemen must be so . . . relieved.), it’s only to be expected that masculine multipurpose haberdasheries have been sprouting up like so many five-o’clock shadows after a long holiday weekend Read more
If you’re getting out of the city and heading up to Harbor Country this Labor Day weekend, first of all (a) lucky you, I’m jealous, and second of all (b) good timing, as there is a grand opening party on Saturday, Sept. 4 at 6 p.m. for Brandon Nelson’s new Three Oaks venture, Trilogy Antiques and Design. Nelson, a Chicago expat and the owner of quirky antiques shop Ipso Facto, is taking over the old Springdale vintage furniture store space at 19 West Elm Street, and planning to run it as a group shop featuring a select gaggle of dealers, artists, and designers... Read more