The two billionaires came out on top, though one was a much bigger winner than the other. And if you like political advertising and piles of direct mail, consider yourself a winner too. Read more
It wasn't quite a party fit for a billionaire, but a billionaire doesn't need canapes to pack a ballroom with boldface names, especially when he's the frontrunner for governor. Read more
Jeanne Ives pushed the incumbent to the brink last night. Rauner won with an eerily similar margin to his 2014 primary victory, but he lost most of the collar counties and saw his margin in Cook County cut by more than half. Read more
From the governor to a seven-term Democratic House member to the powerful Cook County Assessor to the president of Cook County itself, today brings a lot of March madness. Read more
The main suspect allegedly tipped off the ATF to himself, and his prior brushes with notoriety involve the 'Dr. Phil' show and a proposal to build a border wall in the style of the Great Wall of China. Read more