$28 for set of four (including chalk), wonderkidsinc.com
Photos: Martha Williams

$32, Bark Bark Club, 5943 N. Broadway

$35, mcachicagostore.org

$47 for 750-milliliter bottle, Binny’s Beverage Depot, 3000 N. Clark St.

$40, modernsproutplanter.com

$40, redbudjewelry.com

$38 for 8.8-ounce jar, cocovit.co
Photo: Jaclyn Rivas

$50 for pictured, Mindy’s HotChocolate, 1747 N. Damen Ave.

$40, Humboldt House, 1045 N. California Ave.

$45, cityfilespress.com

$25 for assortment of eight, Local Foods, 1427 W. Willow St.

$25, toddygear.com